Buyer's...What You Don't Know, Could Hurt You

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Buyer's...What You Don't Know, Could Hurt You

I am sure you are wondering, what is she talking about???

All I am saying is that Buyers need protection. You will see what I mean after reading this form.

This is the information about Brokerage Services Form. Realtors give this form to Buyer's and Sellers at their first substantive contact. As you read through the form notice what it says.

Information About Brokerage Services

It is in the 7th paragraph. A license holder acts as a Subagent when aiding a buyer in a transaction without an agreement to represent the buyer. A subagent can assist the buyer but does not represent the buyer and must place the interest of the owner first.

I don't know about you, but if I was a Buyer, I would definitely want to make sure I was being represented. After all, you don't go to court without first hiring an attorney. If you did, you would have a fool for a client some would say. Why wouldn't you want someone to represent you in one of the largest financial investments you will make in your lifetime?

This form is to be given to a Buyer/Seller at the very first substantive meeting. If you do not receive this or it is not gone over with you, I would probably run! All Agents know this form is to not only be given but also gone over with the Buyer/Seller.

Most people do not know how Brokerage services work. When Sellers list their home they are signing a listing agreement. This is an agreement for the seller to hire the Brokerage to work for them on their behalf. If you see a sign in the yard and call on that sign, you are calling the Seller's Broker.  They represent the Seller.

As a first time Buyer, Seasoned Home Buyer, etc. it is a good idea to have as much knowledge as possible. Don't miss out on the opportunity to have someone looking out for your best interest when buying a home. If you are working with an Agent but Do Not have a Buyer's Representation signed agreement with them, then a listing agent can call your agent and ask everything about you and the Agent you are working with would have to release the information. When I say information I mean financial information, if you have been approved, if so for how much, etc. You would lose all of your negotiating power in that moment.

If you have questions about this form, or any other questions regarding Brokerage Services, Real Estate, the Real Estate Market, etc., please do not hesitate to give me a call, send me an email or text me. I am happy to share my experience with you! You can reach me at 361-688-7064 Office/Cell or email me at

Looking out for you -

Categories: Home BuyingEducationHome Selling
Local: Willis Area
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